28th Annual RWGC Spring Plant Sale
Saturday, April 20th, 2024
The plant sale is the RWGC's only fundraiser. All proceeds of the sale go back into the River Walk community through scholarships, grants, and other items presented to the River Walk community. The entire garden club works together to create a fun, beautiful, successful event.
Plant Delivery & Set Up Day
Truly a day where many hands make light work!! It takes a team!
Plant Sale Day!
ALL HANDS ON DECK! All garden club members are needed to ensure a successful plant sale. 2024 was our busiest and most successful plant sale to date. We humbly thank the Boy Scouts from Troop 6 who volunteered to help as well as the students from Oscar Smith High School. All proceeds from the annual plant sale are donated back to the community through grants, scholarships and more.