2023-2024 River Walk Garden Club Meeting Photos
September 2023 Meeting
To kick off an amazing new year of garden club activities, our September 2023 meeting consisted of an Ice Cream Social!
October 2023 Meeting
October's meeting was a very informative presentation by Kate Melhuish, a Norfolk Extension Master Gardener, sharing her extensive knowledge on hummingbirds.
November 2023 Meeting
In true RWGC spirit, member gathered at the November meeting to decorate holiday wreaths that were donated to local senior living centers. The creative juices were flowing!
December 2023 Meeting
Garden Club members gathered in December to celebrate the holidays together at the December garden club meeting. Good food and good company always makes for a GREAT TIME!
January 2024 Meeting
In a most informative presentation, garden club members learned about Virginia Coastal Plain Native Wildflowers for Pollinators by Nicole Knudson, owner and operator of Lady Fern's Native Plants. We also learned how to create a habitat for stem-nesting bees.
February 2024 Meeting
Our February meeting guest speaker was Mary Toth from Norfolk Botanical Gardens sharing her vast knowledge of Cut Flowers for the Home Gardener. Mary did an excellent job of presenting her normally 2 hour presentation to garden club members and their guests educating us on the various plants to have in your yard so there is something blooming all year long.
March 2024 Meeting
The March 2024 meeting was a question and answer session with VCE- Horticulture Agent Mike Andruczyk from the Virginia Cooperative Extension. Mike brought a list of possible topics to get the questions flowing -- and once they didn't stop. Very informative!
April 2024 Meeting
Historically the April meeting at the River Walk Garden Club ties in with the annual plant sale. This month's guest speaker was Tom from Paramount Greenhouse and Nursery. Tom shared with the club some new plants we would be seeing in the local garden shops this year and some that would be coming to our garden club plant sale later in the month.
May 2024 Meeting
In May the garden club was treated to an informative presentation on the Introduction to Landscape Design by Linda Sanders of the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. There was a plethora of great information inspiring many to tackle new projects in their home gardens.
June 2024 Meeting
The June meeting for the River Walk Garden Club is a special off site meeting to celebrate a wonderful year and to install the upcoming new Board Members. It is a wonderful event with good food, good friends, lots of laughter and great fellowship!